Thursday 26 December 2019

Global Efforts for Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is the balance that is generated through the harmonious relationship between society and the surrounding nature and of which it is a part. This implies achieving development results without threatening the sources of our natural resources and without compromising those of future generations. In that sense, it is important to consider that the environmental aspect, beyond being a specific area of ​​human development, is really the axis of any form of development to which we want to aspire.

Environmental sustainability is the rate of use of renewable resources, the creation of pollution and the depletion of non-renewable resources, which can continue indefinitely, since, if there is no continuity, and then they are not sustainable.

The objective of environmental sustainability is to conserve natural resources and develop alternative sources of energy while reducing pollution and environmental damage caused by anthropogenic actions. 
To calculate environmental sustainability, the guiding principle is the state of the planet in the future, measured in predetermined periods of years (five years, one decade, one century, one millennium). Many of the projects on which environmental sustainability is based will involve, for example, replanting forests, preserving wetlands, and protecting natural areas.

Problems caused by environmental damage

Some of the problems caused by environmental damage include

Extinction of valuable forest products

Drought, water scarcity and water pollution

Air pollution leading to air-related diseases

Unplanned climatic changes

Food poisoning

Extinction of valuable animal species

Overexploitation of natural resources 

Are there solutions to current environmental problems?

As you have noticed, all the causes and consequences of climate change are related to each other and affect our health and well-being to a greater or lesser extent. What is our role, then, as inhabitants of the planet?

It is difficult to speak of a single solution to curb the main environmental problems that currently afflict the Earth. However, we can speak of an essential first step for this: the conscience that corresponds to us as inhabitants of the world.

Awareness of what? Basically, our relationship with the environment and nature, which is manifested in the items we buy, the trade networks we support, and the initiatives that individually and corporately initiate.

We speak, for example, of carrying out sustainable agriculture that conserves natural resources, responsible consumption based on real needs, the care of ecosystems, the reduction of waste and recycling, the reuse of all those materials, and products that We no longer use, among other options.

It is also important to avoid the maximum use of fuels that generate greenhouse gases, the use of chemicals or preservatives, and, of course, strengthen environmental education from the earliest ages.

You already know that on a small scale, you can contribute your grain of sand through daily actions based on sustainability and energy saving. We only have one planet: let's take care of it before it's too late!

Five ecological ideas to implement in your workplace

Fill both interior and exterior spaces with nature

Use green office supplies

Create recycling areas

Implement teleworking

Employ Energy-saving techniques

World organizations that help promote environmental sustainability

Some institutions help to fight against environmental pollution. A few of them include; Global Green Growth Institute ( GGGI), Earth System Governance Project (ESGP), European Environment Agency (EEA), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 
Jambar Team Building and the environmentally friendly activities we offer for corporate teams.

Sustainable development is the duty of all humans in the planet. We at Jambar Team Building are committed to the development of activities that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations. Our environmentally friendly activities for corporate teams’ gives room for the peoples of the planet to access a satisfactory level of social, economic, human development, thereby reasonably preserving the health of the general human populace of Singapore. Some of our environmentally friendly activities for corporate teams include; The drone challenge, treasure hunt, amazing race, myths and legend challenge, Bicycle scavenger hunt, Singapore Heritage Trail, Rainstorm activities, etc. You can be a part of our fight to maintain the environmental sustainability.

Feel free to surf our site regularly for daily updates.

Thursday 5 September 2019

How to Develop a Problem-solving Mindset?

It is inevitable for all of us to muddle things up at some point, but the important thing is how we approach the problem and how we fix it. Therefore it becomes significant and develops a problem-solving mindset. This is very extremely essential, whether you are trying to improve productivity or improving the quality of relationships or resolving conflict. Even with the best planning and preparations, it is possible that things may go wrong. Therefore, when such a thing happens, critical thinking is going to enable you to find the best path forward. 

  Why a problem-solving mindset is important?
When a person is equipped with a problem-solving mindset, they are capable of understanding the difference that is present between actually solving the problem and merely changing the nature of the problem. Such a person has a range of attributes and skills that out of a person to find the most appropriate solution that should be implemented, for the purpose of bringing about the desired change.
What can you do as an employer?
Some of the steps that need to be taken in this regard include responsibility, emotional intelligence, goal identification, active listening, descriptive and objective detail, probe and reflect and the desire of finding the most appropriate solution.
For the purpose of enhancing critical thinking amongst the employees, employers should analyze their current expertise before hiring them. People in all types of jobs working in all types of industries have to solve problems every day. Therefore, the training related problem-solving can prove to be immensely beneficial for the employer and the employees themselves.
       Creative and innovative thinking may result in potential solutions.
       Curiosity and research increase the scope of a solution.
       Communication is also invaluable in this regard.
       Decision-making is crucial in moving the process to a successful solution
       Persistence is also required, particularly when the solution appears to be elusive.
Importance of team building
Addressing the challenges in teams can help the employees in becoming more capable of handling complex tasks and even be more innovative. It not only helps in solving the problems more effectively with the help of strong teamwork, but efficient teams are also capable of addressing and attending to more issues. Therefore, problem-solving activities should be initiated in the means of developing the staff. Some of the activities that can be undertaken in this regard include blindfold camping, balloon building, and the picture book. 

Jambar Team Building
The problem-solving mindset is very important in every walk of life. In this regard, Jambar Team Building can be described as the best team building Singapore company. In this regard, Jambar Team Building utilizes the Belbin team roles & DISC Personality to understand different strengths of people. At the workplace or at home, these tests can help in unlocking the key to conflict resolution, better relationships, self-growth, and motivation.

Friday 23 August 2019

How Has Corporate Training Changed In the Past Decade?

The world has come a long way in the past 10 years. It is a completely different place now than what it used to be 10 years ago, and this is true for its every aspect including the corporate world. Earlier the businesses did not place much emphasis on the corporate training, but with time this attitude has undergone change as well, especially with the findings that state, one in every three employees state that lack of proper corporate training programs a valid reason to leave a company for a better opportunity elsewhere.  As a result of this attitude the corporate training practices have also been updated and now use DISC personality tests, Belbin team roles, microlearning techniques, etc. are studied for better results.
How has corporate training changed in the past 10 years?
Corporate training prepares employees for unpredictable setbacks that they may come face to face with during their careers.  Through it, the employees can learn and grow both individually and collectively. 
Earlier it used to be the time of classroom learning, where an instructor would stand in the middle of a room that had all the employees sitting at one place and would use a display board to impart information. This mode of learning was slow and also ineffective in the sense that it was very costly. Then with time as the tech improved the Learning Management System (LMS) was launched in 2008 which changed the way of learning but still had room for improvement as it was again costly as well as time-consuming and tedious for employees.

Need for emphasis on corporate training
Today this training pattern has improved a lot as it practices e-learning. Corporate training offers employees the option of microlearning where the employees can consume information in short bursts depending upon their retaining power, on-demand through bite-sized content. Technological advancements have also made it possible to go for adaptive e-learning techniques where the system can adapt according to the unique learner-driven model. This means that corporate training can adapt the content and experiences according to the employee’s response and interaction with the training tools.
Solving problems through corporate training
An organization succeeds through teamwork. While training employees, organizations can also conduct DISC personality or Belbin team roles tests so as to understand each employees’ strengths & weakness. DISC personality tests help the employees in learning more about their own behavior and how to work with people who have different behaviors. Belbin team roles educate them about the necessity of different roles. Hence, these practices like DISC personality and Belbin Team Roles help in collective growth.

Why is Corporate Training Important?
Corporate training is vital for the growth of employees and the organization. Through it, the employees can develop their individual skills like Management, work on their Leadership skills, can easily learn about different fields like finance and sales, work on their language skills and become better at problem-solving or supervising. Companies like Apple and Google use these corporate training to achieve the said results.
About Jambar Team Building
We at Jambar Team Building organize team building events for companies where we educate both employers and employees on the importance of corporate training and conduct exercises that help the employees in working together. Thus, we build trust and promote harmony amongst employees.

Friday 12 July 2019

Can Cultural Differences be a Big Issue to an Organization?

Talking about the incorporation of diversity in work spaces, CEO of Society of Women, Karen Horting said, “Diversity is not an issue that just affects minorities or women. Diversity is an issue that affects the entire workforce.” Cultural differences refer to diversity of race, ethnic backgrounds, gender disparity and religious discrepancy which can all influence a company at large. According to a research about cultural diversity in workplace, company can make better decisions by 87%. Moreover, McKinsey & Company believes that inclusivity of cross-culture can enhance your financial performance by 35% compared to others. 
In 2019, you simply cannot neglect the impact lack of diversity in workplace can have on your business. Recently, Jeff Jones, the president of Uber stepped down from his position after the employees complained of feeling harassed by the HR due to lack of acceptance of differences. On the other hand, Indeed Survey in 2016 shows that 24% of people have felt discriminated against in their workplace. Many cosmetic companies and clothing businesses have also faced backlash due to racist comments or misogynistic conduct in the work place. 
At Instructure, Jeff Weber, the senior vice president of people and places has noticed that it is not only millennials or Gen-Z people who confront companies upfront about their efforts towards inclusion. According to him, “We’re hearing this from white, straight men in the Midwestern United States.” So, what are the steps that an organization can take to resolve the cultural differences? It is not enough to hire people from diverse groups if you or the team does not value their viewpoints and input with empathy. 

Besides hiring people from differing cultural backgrounds, you can also enhance their role and position by ensuring that they are treated the same as everyone else. In fact, your Human Resources team should be diverse to address any problems or uncomfortable experiences faced by your staff with diverse backgrounds. In addition, you can organize fun team building activities Singapore that will promote empathy and progress in your company. 
Fun team building activities Singapore can make a huge difference in your workplace. For example:

§ Pair two members of different groups together for a discussion and make them write about the experience other might face because of their racial, ethnic or religious background.

§ Set up a bias jar so anyone who is detected being biased has to put in a dollar and face confrontment in a healthy way to resolve their ideas.

§ Set up the ‘I am, I am not’ game where you distribute paper that can address stereotypes such as, “I am Black but I am not criminal”.

§ You should assign one project to people from diverse groups so they are working towards achieving a common goal. 

These are a few fun team building activities that can promote a more inclusive and tolerant working atmosphere. If you are a manager, you can take the lead by showing acceptance towards diverse groups and trusting people with tasks against the stereotypes of their background.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

What's the End Game of your Failing Leadership?

Failure is undoubtedly one of the most commonly relatable and widely shared experience. And ironic as it may sound, success and failure are inseparable. An individual cannot expect to gain long lasting and phenomenal success until and unless he or she has had their fair share of crushing failures' in life. 

Why do leaders fail? 

Many would argue that tumbling leaderships can be blamed entirely on a wrong move at the wrong time or just a terrible turn of fate. But it takes more than bad luck to fail as a leader. According to business experts, following are some of the reasons that explain why do leaders fail; 

Lack of adaptability 

Failed leaderships can often be attributed to inability of the leaders to adapt themselves and their strategies to the changing needs of the world around them. An idea that might have made huge profits in the past would probably fail to deliver in a current scenario. Thus, the rigidity to alter their old ways and the failure to constantly learn, renew and improve their action plans have lead many to an irreversible downfall.
Lack of accountability 

Leaders that have tasted huge success often fail at handling all that sudden surge of power and praise. They begin to consider themselves infallible and cannot be bothered about constructive criticism and accountability for theirs actions, which again is a fatal flaw. 

Lack of communication 

There is no ‘I’ in leader; which means that leaders are nothing without their teams. And leaders that lack proper and effective communication between their teams often fail to explain the members what is expected of them and what should be their goals. All that remains is ambiguous instructions, faulty discussions, lack of focus and below par performance; which not only reflects bad on the leaders but also undermines the growth of their team members. 

Bouncing back from a failing leadership 

Turning massive failures into massive successes is a skill that only a few have mastered but it's not entirely impossible. Many people have made some outstanding comebacks just by accepting their failures', realising their flaws and making an honest effort towards self improvement. 

Henry Ford, the man who revolutionized industrial production in 20th century went bankrupt five times and built two companies that were a complete failure before establishing one of the most successful car companies in the world. 

Steve Jobs too wasn’t an instant success. It took him a humiliating resignation from a company he himself founded and several years of crushing failures to regain the leadership of Apple and introduce the breakthrough technical innovations like the iPhone, iPad, iPod etc. 

All this accounts for the fact perseverance, dedication and the intellect to learn from past mistakes can work wonders for any one who promises to never give up.
Righting the wrongs: How can leaders help their teams 

An effective and powerful leadership is bound to improve team performance, motivation and growth. In order to push their teams to give their very best leaders should do the following: 

1) The first thing leaders can do to help their team is to allow them to fail and provide them the confidence to learn from their mistakes while being innovative and practical. 

2) Empathetic leaders are the most successful in getting their teams to perform better. If the members know that the leaders have their back and they could easily relate to them, it could make a world of difference in company’s culture. 

3) Having an open and honest communication with the team members is extremely important for establishing a stellar leadership. Effective communication helps to outline collaborative and focused goals, eliminates workplace politics and accounts for better team role assignment. 

Thus, if you a leader struggling to overcome the towering pile of workplace problems and feel that a good rapport with your subordinates can help ease out the situation then you should try out Jambar team building Singapore. We specialise in team building activities for work that are not only uniquely interactive but can guarantee a marked improvement in team engagement and coherence whilst helping to build a positive workplace culture where the leaders and team members work collaboratively to pave way for collective success.

Monday 18 March 2019

What is Team Building?

The interaction of the employees on a routine basis and their positive engagement to achieve a common goal can be easily termed as team building. Team building brings people together by encouraging collaboration and teamwork. In fact, a major part of the success of a team is due to team building and cohesive working relationships. The rest obviously depends upon communicating to the group members about project goals and training them to devise strategies to optimise their individual strengths and talents. 

How to do effective team building?

1) Establishing Strong leadership

A strong and well engaged team that has the potential to make its way through the challenges of the corporate world largely depends upon an effective leadership. In order to excel at team building leaders should learn to develop a close understanding and loyalty between themselves and the team members. Just bossing around and dictating a list of orders isn't going to get the job done. A leader should act as the backbone of a team, supporting the group members and helping them at every stage.

2) Valuing individual opinion

Every member in the group has something to add or contribute when it comes to working together in a team. Silencing the opinions of the team members and not allowing them to have a voice can be fatalistic to a team building effort. An openness for self expression won't only make the make the employees feel valued but it would bring in a great deal of innovative ideas which could be used to help ace team projects.

3) Preparing to achieve a common goal

The primary reason for team building is to prepare a group of people towards achieving a common goal. But many a times team members are left ambiguous clues and pointers that accounts for a confused team and unfruitful results. Being clear when communicating the brief and clarifying directives at every step is extremely important. When the team members have a good idea as to what is required of them, they could easily accomplish goals and achieve periodic milestones. Lastly, encouraging trust and cooperation among employees on your team is the key towards success. Give them a chance to interact with each other and the team lead to discuss possible issues and constrains to eliminate last minute problems and glitches. 
Using External facilitation for team bonding and team building ideas

Learning about the steps to build a strong and functional team might be beneficial but to achieve excellent results you would need to go the extra mile. And using external facilitation to improve your team’s interaction and cohesiveness isn't a bad idea after all. That's where Jambar team building Singapore can help you out. We can assist your company in organizing corporate team building events and engaging your workers in team building games. Visit our website today to scour through a wide array of team building ideas and activities that encourage team bonding within the employees and the leaders. These are specifically designed to overcome deep set insecurities and break personal and professional barriers in a fun and stress-free environment. Thus, giving the team members the ultimate opportunity to positively engage with their co workers and polish their team work capabilities through making a joint effort. To explore more options and organise corporate team building events that are fine tuned according to the requirements of your company, visit our website now. Our team building experts will help your team to reach the summit. Give us a chance!