Thursday 26 December 2019

Global Efforts for Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is the balance that is generated through the harmonious relationship between society and the surrounding nature and of which it is a part. This implies achieving development results without threatening the sources of our natural resources and without compromising those of future generations. In that sense, it is important to consider that the environmental aspect, beyond being a specific area of ​​human development, is really the axis of any form of development to which we want to aspire.

Environmental sustainability is the rate of use of renewable resources, the creation of pollution and the depletion of non-renewable resources, which can continue indefinitely, since, if there is no continuity, and then they are not sustainable.

The objective of environmental sustainability is to conserve natural resources and develop alternative sources of energy while reducing pollution and environmental damage caused by anthropogenic actions. 
To calculate environmental sustainability, the guiding principle is the state of the planet in the future, measured in predetermined periods of years (five years, one decade, one century, one millennium). Many of the projects on which environmental sustainability is based will involve, for example, replanting forests, preserving wetlands, and protecting natural areas.

Problems caused by environmental damage

Some of the problems caused by environmental damage include

Extinction of valuable forest products

Drought, water scarcity and water pollution

Air pollution leading to air-related diseases

Unplanned climatic changes

Food poisoning

Extinction of valuable animal species

Overexploitation of natural resources 

Are there solutions to current environmental problems?

As you have noticed, all the causes and consequences of climate change are related to each other and affect our health and well-being to a greater or lesser extent. What is our role, then, as inhabitants of the planet?

It is difficult to speak of a single solution to curb the main environmental problems that currently afflict the Earth. However, we can speak of an essential first step for this: the conscience that corresponds to us as inhabitants of the world.

Awareness of what? Basically, our relationship with the environment and nature, which is manifested in the items we buy, the trade networks we support, and the initiatives that individually and corporately initiate.

We speak, for example, of carrying out sustainable agriculture that conserves natural resources, responsible consumption based on real needs, the care of ecosystems, the reduction of waste and recycling, the reuse of all those materials, and products that We no longer use, among other options.

It is also important to avoid the maximum use of fuels that generate greenhouse gases, the use of chemicals or preservatives, and, of course, strengthen environmental education from the earliest ages.

You already know that on a small scale, you can contribute your grain of sand through daily actions based on sustainability and energy saving. We only have one planet: let's take care of it before it's too late!

Five ecological ideas to implement in your workplace

Fill both interior and exterior spaces with nature

Use green office supplies

Create recycling areas

Implement teleworking

Employ Energy-saving techniques

World organizations that help promote environmental sustainability

Some institutions help to fight against environmental pollution. A few of them include; Global Green Growth Institute ( GGGI), Earth System Governance Project (ESGP), European Environment Agency (EEA), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 
Jambar Team Building and the environmentally friendly activities we offer for corporate teams.

Sustainable development is the duty of all humans in the planet. We at Jambar Team Building are committed to the development of activities that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations. Our environmentally friendly activities for corporate teams’ gives room for the peoples of the planet to access a satisfactory level of social, economic, human development, thereby reasonably preserving the health of the general human populace of Singapore. Some of our environmentally friendly activities for corporate teams include; The drone challenge, treasure hunt, amazing race, myths and legend challenge, Bicycle scavenger hunt, Singapore Heritage Trail, Rainstorm activities, etc. You can be a part of our fight to maintain the environmental sustainability.

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