Tuesday 1 June 2021

Jambar Team Building- Singapore’s No.1 Corporate Team Building Company

 We at Jambar believe that team building and team bonding activities are the modern solution to break the barriers in a strict corporate environment and optimize productivity through an extremely cohesive team effort. We have organized over 10,000 team building events for some of the top companies locally and around the world Excited to know more about team building ideas? Get a quote now or call us on +65 6635 7741. Also visit our website.



Thursday 6 May 2021

How Communication Improves Productivity in Remote Teams

In the new normal boardroom meetings and weekly update meetings have been replaced by Zoom calls, Google Meet, Slack, WhatsApp and other tech channels. Teams habituated to whiteboard reviews, are now adapting to Zoom review calls. Although employers were quick to adopt remote working, they soon found that not every employee adapted to it as expected. 

Lack of proper communication was found to be one of the reasons why some remote teams ended up unproductive. ‘Zoom Fatigue’ has been a trend in the new normal owing to poor communication strategies by anxious employers. Remote employees often also felt that communication has become one sided with organizational structures being dominated by hierarchies. Ideally, employers need to create open communication channels that motivate employees during crisis. Open communication helps improve productivity in remote teams in the following ways:

·        Encourages remote teams to be vocal about concerns, questions, or conflicts

·        Strengthens solidarity with the organization’s goals and objectives

·        Improves collaboration among team members

·        Upholds company values and culture through times of difficulty

·        Allows for better interpersonal and empathetic relationships among team members

But, how do you actually build your remote working culture around open communication? Here are a few suggestions:

·        Minimize formal communications to occasions where is it necessary

·        Let teams communicate internally about projects and deadlines


          Organize virtual team building sessions to get rid of the Zoom Fatigue

·        Schedule informal communication sessions to interact with your teams

·        Schedule Q & A sessions to let your teams voice out their concerns

·        Make time for team bonding activities to build better relationships among your team members

·        Listen to feedback and take actions that show your commitment towards ensuring a healthy work environment

·        Foster communication that builds long lasting relationships and empathy

Although the future of work is still uncertain, good communication always improves productivity.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

How to Encourage Better Mental Health for Your Employees?

Working from home and in isolation has had a huge impact on the mental health of people. Mental health unlike physical health, is not apparent to others. People are also reluctant to talk about dealing with their internal struggles.

There is more awareness about mental health wellness and organizations are making an effort to talk about it to their employees. Here is how you can encourage your employees to take care of their mental health.

Start the conversation

Even if there is awareness about taking care of mental health, it is still considered a taboo and not many people want to talk about it. When you start conversations around the importance of mental health, people will be forthcoming to talk about their own experiences as well.

team bonding activities

Encourage mental health days off

When you are suffering from a physical illness it is visible and people are more empathetic about taking a sick day off. Likewise, mental health days off should be made a part of the leave policies so that your employees don’t hesitate to take care of themselves.

Provide access to experts

Organize talks on mental health provided by experts. When you have events focusing on mental health, it encourages people to get access to the right information through the organization. Some people hesitate to reach out because of the overwhelming information available to them.


Team Bonding

Make it a part of your culture

Actions speak louder than words. When you give importance to having a healthy work-life balance at your workspace, it shows that you truly care about your employees. This also builds trust in the organization.

Organize team bonding activities

Working in isolation is not everyone’s favourite choice. For some people, the absence of socialising at work could lead to fatigue and burnout. Bring your team together for virtual team bonding activities and provide them opportunities to get together. With technology evolving everyday, it is now easier to connect people across the globe, whether it is for a virtual session on mindfulness or just a casual dinner and dance session.



Tuesday 15 September 2020

How Can You Make Work From Home Exciting For Your Employees And Teams?

 Work from home is the new norm in the business world. This shift from the workplace environment to our various homes has helped many employers understand what the term ‘work’ really means. It is the pursuit and realization of a team goal in order to meet a better end-product for the consumers regardless of the place team members perform their duties.

Work from home is the performance of work activities from the confines of our home while still keeping in touch with other team members through virtual meetings.


There are several benefits to be derived from this new norm and this is a plus to the employer and even the team members.

1.     FINANCIAL COST: The cost incurred from transportation, eating out, and other miscellaneous expenses is minimized. This cost can rather be channeled to improve the work from home experience of employees that will increase their productivity and effectiveness; making available some income to be saved by them. 

2.     TIME: Usually, the time span for daily work activity could be from 8am to 5pm. Employees are expected to be at the workplace before the opening hour and also to leave minutes past the closing hours. This rush and pressure reduce the eagerness of team members but with the introduction of remote work, there is enough energy for them to work with resilience.

3.     ENERGY: Work from home gives employers and their team members a steady lifestyle. It provides them with an opportunity to reconnect with their family and friends and also grant them a stable relationship with other team members. With these privileges, employers and employees are always stirred to work when the need arises. They avail themselves for every virtual meeting and other activities that will make them functional in the production processes.

There are other benefits to be achieved by companies like the rapid level of development that follows, speed acquisition of consumer’s choice of products, and many others. 


Remote work might be a relatively new technique for companies, there have been records of successes and failures associated with them.

These successes for any company are possible only on three principles: culture, communication, and coordination.

Culture: The customs and practices of a company must remain with members even as they work from home. The rules and regulations, policies, and other relevant laws must be adhered strictly to in order to save the company’s reputation.

Communication: This is a key principle that will help weave the relationship between employers and their team members even as they work towards achieving what consumers want. This second principle predicate how possible it will be for the coordination of all parties; the company and the consumers.

Coordination: Once the first two have been duly incorporated, the coordination of employees from home via virtual team bonding will assist the company with a great deal to achieve many successes.

Monday 2 March 2020

Working from Home is no Longer a Privilege, It’s a Necessity

The lethal the outbreak of coronavirus has made working from home a necessity rather than a privilege.

Hotels, shops, restaurants and factories are facing highly reduced foot traffic, which has converted many city centers into literal ghost towns. For that matter, many businesses are trying to keep their businesses operational from behind the closed doors of their homes in the virtual world. 

World’s biggest Work-from-Home Taskforce Underway

This sudden the outbreak has created an opportunity for firms to test whether working from home at scale is practical and workable or not. For many fields, it can be a nearly impossible task as they may require being there with each other in person to make things work. For instance, when we talk about an ad agency, brainstorming is a major step in the ad development process. The people involved might need to conduct many live sessions online to reach a unanimous decision. But with the technological advancements, it is possible nonetheless.

The little troops of people working from home are going to rise into armies as Coronavirus forces the largest work from home experiments across the globe. With the vacations of the Lunar New Year coming to an end in China, Chinese companies are bound to experiment with the work-from-home option if they wish to resume their operations. In short, more and more people will resort to video chatting apps and productivity software platforms to conduct meetings and group discussions. 

Struggles of Working from Home

One of the major struggles that the employees are facing at the moment due to the impact of this the outbreak is the frequency with which the corporate directives are made to change. The vacations for most of the employees have been extended while some of them have been asked to report and work from home.

Another struggle which businesses are facing is that there is only so much you can do from home. For instance, when it comes to businesses like restaurants, hotels, shops, and manufacturing factories, you require actual people to come in to keep your business rolling. These businesses cannot be run from home and are facing serious disruptions for that matter.

Some businesses have stocked their products while most of the Chinese businesses claim to run out of their stocks if the operations don’t resume soon. This is a shared plight of most businesses, which has proved to be a serious blow to the Chinese economy in particular, and the world economy in general. The worst part is that there is no backup plan to make things work out unless a way to defeat the deadly disease is figured.

Bottom Line

Times are hard, however, we need to keep finding ways to make things work in one way or the other. Collaboration and communication are two important skills to have for people to work better from remote locations and in order to be ready for this uncertain time, companies can actually train their employees by organizing on-job training sessions that can enhance their collaboration and communication skills. Jambar Team Building offers innovative and environmentally friendly team building activities that will help the employees understand how to best use their skills to suit any scenarios. In these hard times, it is difficult to predict how things will turn out and whether this massive work-from-home experiment would be successful or not. All we can say is communication and collaboration are 2 key team bonding tactics that employees should pay attention to in team building in these troubled times.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Global Efforts for Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is the balance that is generated through the harmonious relationship between society and the surrounding nature and of which it is a part. This implies achieving development results without threatening the sources of our natural resources and without compromising those of future generations. In that sense, it is important to consider that the environmental aspect, beyond being a specific area of ​​human development, is really the axis of any form of development to which we want to aspire.

Environmental sustainability is the rate of use of renewable resources, the creation of pollution and the depletion of non-renewable resources, which can continue indefinitely, since, if there is no continuity, and then they are not sustainable.

The objective of environmental sustainability is to conserve natural resources and develop alternative sources of energy while reducing pollution and environmental damage caused by anthropogenic actions. 
To calculate environmental sustainability, the guiding principle is the state of the planet in the future, measured in predetermined periods of years (five years, one decade, one century, one millennium). Many of the projects on which environmental sustainability is based will involve, for example, replanting forests, preserving wetlands, and protecting natural areas.

Problems caused by environmental damage

Some of the problems caused by environmental damage include

Extinction of valuable forest products

Drought, water scarcity and water pollution

Air pollution leading to air-related diseases

Unplanned climatic changes

Food poisoning

Extinction of valuable animal species

Overexploitation of natural resources 

Are there solutions to current environmental problems?

As you have noticed, all the causes and consequences of climate change are related to each other and affect our health and well-being to a greater or lesser extent. What is our role, then, as inhabitants of the planet?

It is difficult to speak of a single solution to curb the main environmental problems that currently afflict the Earth. However, we can speak of an essential first step for this: the conscience that corresponds to us as inhabitants of the world.

Awareness of what? Basically, our relationship with the environment and nature, which is manifested in the items we buy, the trade networks we support, and the initiatives that individually and corporately initiate.

We speak, for example, of carrying out sustainable agriculture that conserves natural resources, responsible consumption based on real needs, the care of ecosystems, the reduction of waste and recycling, the reuse of all those materials, and products that We no longer use, among other options.

It is also important to avoid the maximum use of fuels that generate greenhouse gases, the use of chemicals or preservatives, and, of course, strengthen environmental education from the earliest ages.

You already know that on a small scale, you can contribute your grain of sand through daily actions based on sustainability and energy saving. We only have one planet: let's take care of it before it's too late!

Five ecological ideas to implement in your workplace

Fill both interior and exterior spaces with nature

Use green office supplies

Create recycling areas

Implement teleworking

Employ Energy-saving techniques

World organizations that help promote environmental sustainability

Some institutions help to fight against environmental pollution. A few of them include; Global Green Growth Institute ( GGGI), Earth System Governance Project (ESGP), European Environment Agency (EEA), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 
Jambar Team Building and the environmentally friendly activities we offer for corporate teams.

Sustainable development is the duty of all humans in the planet. We at Jambar Team Building are committed to the development of activities that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations. Our environmentally friendly activities for corporate teams’ gives room for the peoples of the planet to access a satisfactory level of social, economic, human development, thereby reasonably preserving the health of the general human populace of Singapore. Some of our environmentally friendly activities for corporate teams include; The drone challenge, treasure hunt, amazing race, myths and legend challenge, Bicycle scavenger hunt, Singapore Heritage Trail, Rainstorm activities, etc. You can be a part of our fight to maintain the environmental sustainability.

Feel free to surf our site regularly for daily updates.

Thursday 5 September 2019

How to Develop a Problem-solving Mindset?

It is inevitable for all of us to muddle things up at some point, but the important thing is how we approach the problem and how we fix it. Therefore it becomes significant and develops a problem-solving mindset. This is very extremely essential, whether you are trying to improve productivity or improving the quality of relationships or resolving conflict. Even with the best planning and preparations, it is possible that things may go wrong. Therefore, when such a thing happens, critical thinking is going to enable you to find the best path forward. 

  Why a problem-solving mindset is important?
When a person is equipped with a problem-solving mindset, they are capable of understanding the difference that is present between actually solving the problem and merely changing the nature of the problem. Such a person has a range of attributes and skills that out of a person to find the most appropriate solution that should be implemented, for the purpose of bringing about the desired change.
What can you do as an employer?
Some of the steps that need to be taken in this regard include responsibility, emotional intelligence, goal identification, active listening, descriptive and objective detail, probe and reflect and the desire of finding the most appropriate solution.
For the purpose of enhancing critical thinking amongst the employees, employers should analyze their current expertise before hiring them. People in all types of jobs working in all types of industries have to solve problems every day. Therefore, the training related problem-solving can prove to be immensely beneficial for the employer and the employees themselves.
       Creative and innovative thinking may result in potential solutions.
       Curiosity and research increase the scope of a solution.
       Communication is also invaluable in this regard.
       Decision-making is crucial in moving the process to a successful solution
       Persistence is also required, particularly when the solution appears to be elusive.
Importance of team building
Addressing the challenges in teams can help the employees in becoming more capable of handling complex tasks and even be more innovative. It not only helps in solving the problems more effectively with the help of strong teamwork, but efficient teams are also capable of addressing and attending to more issues. Therefore, problem-solving activities should be initiated in the means of developing the staff. Some of the activities that can be undertaken in this regard include blindfold camping, balloon building, and the picture book. 

Jambar Team Building
The problem-solving mindset is very important in every walk of life. In this regard, Jambar Team Building can be described as the best team building Singapore company. In this regard, Jambar Team Building utilizes the Belbin team roles & DISC Personality to understand different strengths of people. At the workplace or at home, these tests can help in unlocking the key to conflict resolution, better relationships, self-growth, and motivation.