Wednesday 4 July 2018

Planning a Successful Company Retreat

Most of the companies are very well aware of the fact that off-site company retreat is great moral booster and also help employees to focus more on team-building as well as goal setting process. Today businesses accept that company retreats are quite productive.

Now days, companies don’t prefer whisking the employees to expensive resorts or expensive weekend-long gatherings, rather they keep their retreats close to the home and on local venues that don’t requires exhausting travel or overnight stays. 

Once after deciding the venue, there are still other decisions to make like goals, agenda, facilitator, team-building exercises, guest speakers etc. You need to take care of following points-

  • You have to determine the clear goals for retreat and communicate the same to attendees beforehand. When employees get an idea regarding goals on prior basis, it will be easy for them to prepare for the retreat session.
  • It is essential to provide an agenda to the attendees as it offers better idea regarding what needs are to be accomplished.
  • It is good to provide the facilitator role to the president of company, but at the same time it can make attendees to feel uncomfortable in expressing their ideas in open way. Thus, other option is to choose a respected personality of the company to lead the discussion.
  • You may invite somebody in the industry to make a guest appearance in the company retreat and be a part of brainstorming session.

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